Monday 18 June 2012

Retreat weekends

I challenged myself to do something new this year and decided that I would go on a retreat.
The retreat consisted of aromatherapy (with angel healing), hot stone massage (with a little Reiki), yoga, swimming, sauna, country walking and meditation.

I have to say that I really enjoyed the weekend.  I have come back feeling calm and relaxed in a way that i have not done so for a considerable amount of time.  It was such a pleasure to step out of the busy world and stop for a few hours.  Spend some time with some lovely people and "ground myself".

My favourite therapies from the weekend were the aromatherapy.  I fell asleep through most of it but felt so relaxed after.  The next was yoga.  Somehow I have managed not to ever do any yoga before.  I found it both very relaxing and a great form of gentle exercise.

Will I do it again?  Yes.

What else have I got from it?  I have a drive to do a little something every day to maintain this sense of calm that I developed over the weekend.

If you are local to Milton Abbas, or are prepared to travel then why not consider trying your first retreat with Saira Francis.

Mellulah Therapy

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Sugar in food

I thought that this was an interesting article.  In today's culture when we do not have the time to prepare our own food, or are incapable of doing so as we were not taught when we were younger, we rely on others to feed us without a thought as to what they are putting in the food.
